Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×12
In the wake of Order 66, Ahsoka and Rex must work together to survive.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×11
Maul is captured and the Siege of Mandalore is won. But evil lurks elsewhere, and the galaxy will never be the same.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×10
The battle for Mandalore continues, and Ahsoka finds herself face to face with Maul.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×9
The Siege of Mandalore begins, and Ahsoka turns to Anakin and Obi-Wan for help.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×8
Captured by the Pykes once more, Ahsoka and the Martez sisters are running out of options.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×7
Captured by the Pyke Syndicate, Ahsoka and the Martez sisters attempt a daring escape.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×6
Rafa lands a dangerous job running spice — and she needs Ahsoka and Trace’s help.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×5
After leaving the Jedi Order, Ahsoka Tano finds herself in the underworld of Coruscant where she befriends aspiring pilot Trace Martez. Enlisted ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×4
While Jedi Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lead an attack against the Separatist forces on Anaxes, the Bad Batch and Anakin Skywalker infiltrate an ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×3
Rex has found his friend, Echo, in the clutches of the Techno Union. But the rescue is just beginning.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×2
Rex, Anakin, and the Bad Batch look to uncover the truth surrounding a mysterious Separatist signal.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 7×1
The clones look to uncover the source of the Separatists’ strategies…and bring in an elite squad called the Bad Batch.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×13
After many grueling trials, Yoda next travels to the ancient Sith home world of Moraband, where he must face an ancient evil determined to rule ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×12
Letting the Force guide him, Yoda voyages into the heart of the galaxy to an ancient world that is one of the wellsprings of the Force and the ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×11
Yoda is deeply unsettled when he hears something from beyond the grave: the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn. Knowing that it is impossible for a Jedi to ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×10
A Jedi mission finds a lightsaber belonging to the long-dead Master Sifo-Dyas, prompting Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker to begin an ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×9
Jar Jar Binks’ beloved Queen Julia of the planet Bardotta has been abducted by the bloodthirsty Frangawl cult to fulfill a dark and ancient ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×8
The peaceful world of Bardotta and its mystic ways are threatened by an ancient prophecy, and its top spiritual leaders have vanished. Queen ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×7
Rush Clovis’ deal with the Separatists backfires and brings war to the banking world of Scipio.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×6
Back on Coruscant, Clovis — known traitor of the Republic — makes a dubious deal which puts him at the head of the Banking Clan. ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×5
While on Scipio to fund a mercy mission, Padmé Amidala is called upon by an old friend, Rush Clovis, to help uncover corruption in the Banking ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×4
Fives continues to push for answers regarding the mystery of the clone contamination and secures an audience with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×3
The body of clone trooper Tup is scheduled for transport to Coruscant, where Chancellor Palpatine’s own doctors will closely examine it. ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×2
In the sterile laboratories of Kamino, the ailing clone trooper Tup and his friend ARC Trooper Fives are quarantined for examination following ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6×1
Clone trooper Tup succumbs to a mysterious mental illness that results in the shocking death of a Jedi Master. Unable to account for his ...

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5×20
On trial for murder, Ahsoka faces her greatest challenge.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5×19
The fugitive Ahsoka escapes to the criminal depths of Coruscant.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5×18
As the Republic military takes over the Temple bombing case, Ahsoka finds herself at odds with Admiral Tarkin.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5×17
Anakin and Ahsoka investigate a deadly bombing at the Jedi Temple.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5×16
Using Duchess Satine as bait, Darth Maul lures Obi-Wan into a trap.