Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×51
The kids are excited to attend spy camp. However, their trainer is a bit of a dud, and the siblings are disappointed not to learn anything.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×50
Mum and the girls have an annual day where they do a bunch of fun stuff together. However, this year, Mum invites the boys and Dad to join them too.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×49
The gang want to win theme park tickets that are up for grabs in a robot fighting contest. They ask to use Mouse’s unbeatable robot, but he ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×48
Gramps tells the kids about a heavenly clearing in the woods, and they decide to make it their hang-out spot for the summer. However, the Smith ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×47
When Adeline quits due to artistic differences, Cheese is hired as director of the annual town founders’ play. The family is happy to help, ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×46
When Cheese realizes she hasn’t done half of what her idol, Posh, has accomplished, she tries to catch up by imitating everything Posh ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×45
When Doozie Smoothies want to find a face to advertise their new range, Cheese is keen to enter the photo competition, with Dog’s help as ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×44
Gramps gets an offer to leave town for a whole year to go on an adventurous trek, but the kids would miss him and try to convince him to stay.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×43
The kids start upcycling broken items for people in town. However, things go wrong when Cheese focuses on making things look cool rather than ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×42
Girl hears that Lila secretly thinks she is great and tries to get her to admit it. However, she may have to go a long way for Lila to declare ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×41
When Dog’s rivalry with the mail woman comes to a head, she goes on leave, which means none of the siblings will get the important package ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×40
Girl and Cheese choose Cat to DJ the family’s upcoming party. However, Boy, Dog and Mouse think Cat will become the focus of the party ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×39
Cat has a new friend, named Mr. Boots. Unfortunately however, Cat soon realises that Mr. Boots is a cat with tireless energy, something which ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×38
Cat becomes superhero Cat Crusader again, but Gherkin frames her so she looks bad.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×37
When the Smith Twins cause Mouse’s smell-making machine to backfire, the kids have to leave their stinky house for the night.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×36
The boys convince their grandfather to take Cactus Town with him to the playground, where he will then meet again with an old friend. The journey ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×35
When a horrible smell ruins everyone’s day at the beach, Cheese mistakenly believes she is growing stinky and is too embarrassed to go out.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×34
Boy has planned a perfect sleepover with best friend Tuck that will feature bobblehead-themed activities. However, Boy gets jealous when Tuck ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×33
Boy and Girl discover that while they’re at school, the others are home doing all kinds of fun things, leading to a serious case of FOMO.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×32
When Boy and Girl start receiving lavish gifts addressed to `two great kids’, Mouse thinks it must be a mistake. He and Dog set out to ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×31
The kids visit an eco camp to learn how to grow vegetables. Unfortunately, the Smith twins are also there and have no intention of pulling their ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×30
When the kids convince Mom and Dad to take part in a family friendly TV game show, they unwittingly kickstart an over-the-top rivalry between the ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×29
Cat becomes obsessed with winning a soft toy elephant at the arcade. However, the greedy Smith twins are playing the games meant for little kids ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×28
When the parents clear some space in the attic, some siblings vie for their own private bedroom in an epic play-battle saga based on ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×26
A photographer needs the other’s help and agrees to do a series of favours for them in return, but when sneaky Girl starts secretly trading ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×25
Boy gets his dream job at the collectibles store. However, when a family of screeching birds makes the store entrance their home, the customers ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×24
When the kids wonder about what they’ll be when they grow up, Mouse’s enhanced online career quiz leads Boy to think he is destined ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×23
Boy and Dog are working on their comedy act for a talent show. Unfortunately, nobody finds them funny, until they find a runaway parrot who ...

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×22
Much to the kids’ horror, Gramps starts spending a lot of time with mean Miss Molly, so the gang do whatever it takes to keep the two apart.

Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: 2×21
Boy’s afraid of being honest in case he hurts other people’s feelings, and finds himself doing things he doesn’t like just to ...