Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×16
Taichi’s team finds a strange cave that leads to Tokyo. Excited to be back, the children attempt to get home through the subway. However, a ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×15
While Taichi’s team finishes fighting off Oukuwamon and Kuwagamon in the canyon maze, Sora’s team reaches a snowy mountain where they are ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×14
Taichi’s team reaches a canyon where they are attacked by a swarm of insect Digimon. In the chaos that ensues, Koshiro and Tentomon stand up to ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×13
Yamato’s team flies above an endless jungle on Birdramon until they come across a floating fortress. Sora’s caring heart that wants to save ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×11
The six Chosen Ones who had finally gathered split up again into two teams in order to find the Holy Digimon. As Yamato’s team attempts to cross ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×9
The six children and Digimon neutralize the fortress thanks to excellent teamwork. They try to decode the enemy’s communication log and obtain ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×8
The children finally succeed in crossing the sea with Ikkakumon’s help. However, what awaits them on the other side is a fortress full of Digimon…
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×7
The children now know that the Holy Digimon is the key to saving Tokyo from the blackouts. They attempt to cross the sea to get to the continent, ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×6
Taichi’s party comes across an orchard and meets a mysterious girl, Mimi. Taichi and his friends find out that a kingdom is targeted by some ...
Digimon Adventure:2020: 1×4
Taichi arrives in a world called the “Digital World” where Digimon live. His classmate Sora appears there, and together with Taichi ...
Digimon Adventure:: 1×3
The US army’s tactical network had been corroded by Digimon, causing military systems to go haywire. Taichi and the others fight ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×2
Yamato joins Taichi and Koshiro on their mission to stop the Argomon hacking into the U.S. military. On their way there, they learn the Argomon ...
Digimon Adventure 2020: 1×1
While preparing for the upcoming school camp, Taichi Yagami is visited by his new neighbor Koshiro Izumi when they learn that Tokyo’s electronic ...
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IMDb: 7.513 2020
أبطال الديجيتال 2020 مدبلج : يتم إرسال مجموعة من الأطفال لخوض معارك في عالم رقمي ،مستعينين بوحوشهم القوية والمتحولة لإنقاذ العالم ومحاربة الشر ...